Happy New Year from Saratoga CERT!
Please plan on attending the first CERT membership meeting of the year – January 25th from 5-7pm at the Saratoga Recreation Portable @ Joan Pisani Community Center – we really need everyone who wants to be active in Saratoga CERT this year to attend. Details, a full agenda when available, and RSVP link at https://goo.gl/X9Wdc3 – please let us know if you can come, or even if you cannot attend, but want to stay active in Saratoga CERT (two different RSVP links in calendar entry).
We are planning 3 main efforts for Saratoga CERT for 2018:
  1. Create and staff up the divisions we announced last year (http://saratogacert.org/map/) – with a goal that they each be ready to operate independently in our fall exercise.
  2. Fill our leadership positions for our overall CERT organization and for the divisions – and make sure that everyone is ready to respond in the case of an emergency.
  3. Run at least 5 refresher training sessions during the year – so that everyone can stay up to date.
We will address all 3 efforts at our January 25th, 5:00 to 7:00pm meeting – so PLEASE come so you can help make Saratoga CERT meet the needs of our community!