The following training classes are being offered by the City of Los Altos Office of Emergency Services and the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross.If interested, please use the links provided below to register for these training sessions.

March 4 – Refresh, Red Cross Shelter Training Fundamentals from 7:30-9:00 p.m.

More info and Link to sign up:

For those who have already completed the Shelter Fundamentals class—this session will review the concepts and highlight procedural changes.  Red Cross Volunteer Neil Katin will join us and answer questions.

March 15- Red Cross Shelter Training Fundamentals from 7:30-9:00 p.m.

More info and Link to sign up

Learn how the American Red Cross sets up and runs a disaster shelter, and how you can help.  Red Cross Volunteer Jim Mollerus will join us and answer questions.

March 25 webinar on “Secure Your Space.”  Mark Benthien will join us to teach us some simple actions we can take to improve our home’s safety in an earthquake.  (Mark is the Executive Director, Earthquake Country Alliance (ECA) and the Global Coordinator for the Great ShakeOut earthquake drill).  Several Los Altos Block Action Team Leaders will tell us how they used ECA “mini-awards” to improve their neighborhood’s earthquake safety.  And, we’ll learn a little about the Earthquake Bolt and Brace grants program.  This is a great way to get started!  7:30 pm on Thurs March 25, register today.

Best regards to all,
Charles Rader
City of Saratoga CERT Volunteer Program Lead (Program Manager)