Cambell CERT Fundraiser

The CERT meeting on Thursday, September 26 has been canceled and rescheduled for Thursday, October 24. Meeting details will be shared through the October Saratoga CERT newsletter.
Hope to see you next month!
SARA/Saratoga CERT Picnic summary and pictures: https://saratogacert.org/2019/08/23/first-annual-sara-cert-family-picnic/ and https://saratogacert.org/2019/08/27/cert-sara-picnic-a-great-success/
Peter Melhus and Jeff Walker are now Saratoga Assistant Emergency Coordinators as part of SARA and the SCC ARES/RACES. Peter Commandeur will be the communications lead for Quito/West Valley Division – see updated Saratoga CERT Org Chart at http://saratogacert.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/org-chart-082419.pdf – welcome and congratulations to all!
New Red Cross Shelter Fundamentals Courses offered in October: https://saratogacert.org/2019/09/02/shelter-fundamentals-courses-in-october/
Santa Clara County Refresher Course – Fire Safety and Utility Hazard– September 19 – Los Gatos – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cert-refresher-fire-safety-utility-hazard-tickets-50501037964
Saratoga CERT General Membership Meeting – Thursday, September 26 – 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Recreation Portable, Joan Pisani Community Center19655 Allendale Avenue, Saratoga 95070
Santa Clara Countywide Communications Exercise – Saturday, September 28, 2019 – 08:00 am until 02:00 pm – Edith Morley Park, 615 Campbell Technology Pkwy, Campbell, CA – Contact: Ron Jones AJ6EG — 408 316-0854 — ron.jones@n-ablegroup.com
Shelter Fundamentals – October 10 and 16 – San Jose – https://saratogacert.org/2019/09/02/shelter-fundamentals-courses-in-october/
CERT Refresher: Basic Search and Rescue Methods – October 16 – Saratoga – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cert-refresher-basic-search-rescue-methods-tickets-50501095135
PG&E has a 7 day Public Safety Power Shutoff forecast web page. See https://www.scc-ares-races.org/links.html#utilities
Saratoga FAQ sheet – https://tinyurl.com/SARATOGAFAQ
Online ICS and NIMS Classes (100.c & 700.b) — Visit the Saratoga CERT Resources page for ICS and NIMS course material and resources – https://saratogacert.org/documents/
Free ICS 400 Class – December 2019 — Santa Clara County Office of Emergency Management is holding a free ICS 400 class on December 3 and 4. This class can be difficult to find locally. Register by November 28 – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ics-400-advanced-incident-command-system-complex-incident-training-tickets-18942771339
Who: Santa Clara County Operational Area
What: Shelter Fundamentals provided by the American Red Cross
When: This is a four-hour course being held twice in October. The course runs from 0830AM to 1230PM.
Where: County Emergency Operations Center
55 W. Younger Ave., 4th Fl. Ste. 430 San Jose, CA 95110
Why: We are as a community operating in an increasingly dynamic threat environment to include, as necessary, the openingof shelters to avoid threats from potential wildfire under PG&E’snew Community Wildfire Safety Program.
Care and Shelter is a foundational capability in advance of, and in response to, disasters and emergencies of all types. It is with this in the mind that we offer this training opportunity to build greater depth within the Santa Clara County Operational Area.
Pre-requisite(s): None
Date | Registration Link |
Thursday October 10th | https://bit.ly/2Zt1ky5 |
Wednesday October 16th | https://bit.ly/2Pjl6wp |
FLYER: http://saratogacert.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Shelter-Fundamentals-Flyer-.pdf
What a great success, for what will likely be the “First Annual SARA/CERT Family Picnic”. The venue was great, the food was yummy, the weather was pleasant, the activities were interesting and folks seemed to have a good time. Saratoga Area hams, their families and friends, along with CERT graduates, families and friends thoroughly enjoyed the Picnic and spending time with each other.
Thanks to Ron Jones, the venue was at an amazing location, the Warner-Hutton House (next to City Hall), Saturday, August 17, 2019. That was with Crystal’s support from the City of Saratoga, along with her cohorts, Nina, Thomas and Matt. A major ‘shout-out’ to each of you.
Ron also planned at the venue, the Santa Clara County 3Q2019 Emergency Drill for the City of Saratoga and CERTS had the opportunity to experience a real drill (a fascinating) experience. In his Agenda he planned tours of key locations for us to see and learn from, ALL found that very valuable.
As with any effort, the ‘front loading’ to garner inclusion and staying focused on bringing the groups together was Brent, a member of both organizations. He proposed the idea of CERT joining the Picnic of SARA with the Chair of Events, Membership for CERT, Jessica, who worked in creating momentum for the idea and logistics. Brent and other CERTS talked with the Master Orchestrator, Ron Jones, who orchestrated the SARA team for most of the implementation. Those that had questions jumped in and supported the union when we had a mutual meeting between the organizations to see how this would work out.
A HUGE thank you to ALL the SARA and CERT (MANY) people who attended and contributed to the successful ‘First Annual SARA/CERT Family Picnic” A special thank you to folks that spent some, or ALL of their picnic time serving others.
Jessica Fullmer
Event/Membership Chair
CERT Saratoga
We just held what will likely be the “First Annual SARA/CERT Family Picnic”. The venue was great, the food was yummy, the weather was pleasant, the activities were interesting and folks seemed to have a good time.
We want to recognize those that performed significant tasks in preparation for the event or at the picnic to make sure things went smoothly and everybody had a good time.
Though the “Above and Beyond the Call of Duty” list is at the bottom, they are the picnic heroes to me. Make sure you read to the end and forgive me if I missed anyone.
What: SARA/CERT Family Picnic
Santa Clara County 3Q2019 Emergency Drill for City of Saratoga
Who: Saratoga Area hams, their families and friends
Saratoga Area CERTs, their families and friends
Date: Saturday, August 17, 2019
Time: 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm
Venue: Warner-Hutton House (next to City Hall), 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070
Price: Adults – $5.00, Kids 18 and under – Free
Photos: http://k6sa.net/wp/2019/08/2019-joint-sara-cert-picnic-photos/
County Drill: Twenty (20) ham attendees checked into the Resource Travel Net as they were ready to depart home for the event.
Food: Hamburgers, turkey burgers, veggie burgers, cheese slices and buns, Hot dogs and buns, Mustard, catsup, relish, Tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, Assorted bags of chips, Potato salad, 8 different topping large pizzas, Appetizer trays, Cookies, Soft drinks, water, ice
WH House
Reservations: 58 RSVP’s prior to event
56 actual attendees . . . most RSVPs showed up. Had a few walk-ins
Above & Beyond the Call of Duty
City of Saratoga Support
Thanks to everybody for attending and a special thank you to folks that spent some of their picnic time serving others.
See ya’ next year . . . probably before.
Ron Jones, AJ6EG
SARA President
14355 D Saratoga Avenue | Saratoga, CA 95070
408 872-1301 land | 408 316-0854 cell
by Jessica Fullmer
AGENDA – (no Radio Practice this time)
NEW LOCATION – hosted by Sussane Von Stern, across from West Valley College
19149 Oahu Lane, Saratoga (Allendale, Portus, to Wendy, to Oahu)
Call Jessica cell if any questions (408 348 3201)
Jessica Fullmer (West Valley-Quito Division Leader)
Susanne von Stern -Meeting host
Charles Rader (Cox Division Leader)
Tom Galbraith
Rashad Wiley
Doug McFarlin (West Valley-Quito Division)
Meeting Notes:
CERT had a booth at the Saratoga Classic Car Show on Sunday, July 28th, to promote community awareness of the Saratoga CERT program and recruit new volunteers.
Jessica talked about lessons learned from incidents reports. We are instructed not to use FRS radios in an emergency and instead call 911 for Saratoga. 911 staff will sort the type of response, not CERT team members.
Active shooter incident led to a recommend by Charles for all CERT members to take “Stop the Bleed” training course prepared by FEMA. Charles will arrange to have Michael Gordonbach(?) provide “Stop the Bleed” training for Saratoga CERT probably late Fall or later.
CERT refresher training courses are scheduled starting in September.
Radio class 8/24 at LG Police Station. There is a YouTube video of the class.
Charles is a member of a group testing a neighborhood damage assessment application for Santa Clara County Office of Emergency Management Services. The application uses ESRI ArcGIS mapping and location software along with maps provided and maintained by the City of Saratoga. The application provides a standardize means for activated CERT team members to enter assessment information using their mobile device that is automatically communicated to the City’s Emergency Operations Center over the cellular network. If the user’s mobile is unable to connect to a cell tower or the cellular network is down, the report is sent when the mobile reconnects to a cell tower. The application is called the Santa Clara Damage Assessment Report Application. Should CERT teams have a FirstAlert capable cellular radio that remains connected to a cell tower during an emergency when devices other than those used by first responders are dropped to alleviate congestion.
Chuck attended the California For All CERT/LISTOS Conference, May 30 – June 1, 2019. The topics covered were CERT Mutual Aid Program, Animal Response and Sheltering, and CERT Emergency Communications.
The concept of mutual aid is gaining traction in CA. It is modeled after the CERT mutual aid program in deployed statewide in Florida (championed by a former governor with state funding). Organizations are harmonized across the state with the same uniforms, equipment, training and procedures, such that a CERT team can be deployed anywhere they are needed in the state and be able to effectively support the local first responder units. CERT has a seat in the Office of Emergency Services to call up and dispatch CERT volunteers. Orange County has a similar mutual aid program for its 38 CERT organizations. To remain in active status all CERT members are required to attend the American Red Cross Shelters Fundamentals course and all CERT refresher training courses. Governor Newsome is supportive of a CERT mutual aid program.
Saratoga has a pact with American Red Cross to provide shelters in the City, where ARC provides equipment and the City provides staffing.j The Tier 1 shelter is located at West Valley Community College, Tier 2 shelter is at Redwood Middle School and Tier 3 shelters are at Joan Pisani Community Center and Friendship Hall in Saratoga Prospect Center. The City will decide which shelters to open in response to an emergency. CERT members should be trained to staff these shelters.
Other shelters in the City are the American Red Cross operated shelter at Saratoga High School and the independent shelter at Prince of Peace Church.
Listos is a parallel organization to CERT in California with communication and training materials in the Spanish language. FEMA is translating CERT training materials in Vietnamese and Chinese.
Animal response and animal sheltering for pets is gaining interest after experiences during recent wildfires where people would not leave their pets to go to shelters. FEMA offers on line training. Shelter layout and understanding animal behavior are key topics covered. Sacramento Fire has CERT trainers specialized in animal sheltering. Charles will arrange animal response training and co-ordinate with SCC CERT in Spring 2020. Meanwhile, he has sent out links to the FEMA training modules:
Animal Response Module I: https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/27983
Animal Response Module II: https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/27990
As divisional lead for Saratoga Cox CERT division, Charles has written a draft Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for his division. This supplements materials in the FEMA CERT training binder. He handed out sections from the EOP, Section 3.0 “Status as a Recognized State of California Disaster Service Worker Volunteer,” Section 3.1 “Legal Protections for CERT Members…,” Section 5.0 Hazards Assessment,” Section 6.0 Activation of City of Saratoga CERT Members,” Section 6.0.1 “CERT Member Identification, Apparel,…Upon Activation,” Section 6.1 “Specific Actions…After a Major Earthquake,” Section 6.2 “Potential use of Saratoga CERT …,” Section 7.0 “CERT Incident Command,” Section 8.0 “CERT Emergency Response Supplies,” Section 9.0 “CERT Disaster Communications,” Section 10.0 Establishing and Manning a Field Medical Treatment Area,” and Section 12.0 “ CERT and Spontaneous…Volunteers.” He reviewed Section 9.0. at the meeting.
Recommended actions for West Valley – Quito CERT Division:
Recruit and train members to establish a core team to support and sustain the disaster preparation activities
Identify location(s) Field Medical Treatment Areas within the division (West Valley Community College, Gardiner Park?)
Develop disaster communications plan and verify Level 1 communication coverage using FRS radios.
Revisit the following three areas Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) training topics:
(1) Establishing and manning a CERT Field Medical Treatment Area/Site
(2) CERT and Spontaneous Unaffiliated/Untrained Volunteers (SUV’s)
(3) CERT and Vulnerable Populations
New topics:
(1) Santa Clara County Fire Department (SCCFD) resources in the area / interaction with CERT
(2) FRS radio usage and communications protocol (radiotelephony procedures, radio terminology, phonetic alphabet, etc.)
by Jessica Fullmer
What a great day, HUGE thanks to Everyone, those that were helping before and from afar.
Some details and action items:
We had several hundred came to the booth, some took flyers, some wanted more information on CERT Classes ect.
200 wanted sunburn spray, the word got around, a lot of thank you’s. Some are coming immediately to classes/meetings.
Thank goodness Craig had organized the Cache at CYB, our items were in labeled boxes to go over to the Saratoga Car Show. We learned we have to create a LIST of Materials (and Processes) for all Events and Check against it as we come back from an event or leave the Cache for each event, E.G. we are missing the Ham signs.
Alameda is donating some Body carrying boards for Togo and incidents.
Decide if Saratoga stays as two’s going out (even is it isn’t a DSW covered event). It’s a Thema regulation for official events.
Several incidents, we learned from each, one written up here:
Thanks to Chuck for the first leg search, Gary (from the Chamber) who went with me to meet with the Deputy, then help write up this lessons below:
-Create a Report sheet on Public Event Incidents
-What happened, the Chamber notified us that a child was vomiting, near The Basin (not accurate)
-JF warned the Deputy from the Sherriff’s (we thought) that we would get more details and report back
-Couldn’t find the child. Called back to update the Deputy on the FRS radio that we were given in the morning, we thought it was the Sherriff, found it was a CERT person has the phone. Because he didn’t answer it bounced to our booth.
-Went the Chamber person and I went to talk with the Deputy and found, the FRS only had static each time.
-He recommended for other events use our cells, call 911, they will sort out if its Fire (health issues) or Sherriff’s (some kind of disturbance)
-he also said only use those phones for low level (non-life threatening/crime) not if you need help right away
-We need a certified medical person at each event in our booth (another person cut themselves deeply) a suggestion Mon was to have a partnership with Medical students, where they get credit for assisting CERT.
-For Each Event Need numbers/contact info for All those responsible (E.G. Chamber)
Thanks for all the EXTRA items the Chamber did to assist as the day progressed.
Also, Crystal for all the printing, Bill for hauling all the items from CYBase TO the Event and BACK.
And a HUGE shout out to the rest of the team, all were friendly, responsive and recruiting ( :
Jack Griswold
Chuck Rader
Brad Silveria
Steven Wong
Lorna Yamaguchi (and husband)
Debbie Ellis
Tim Ellis
Bill Brooks
Jessica Fullmer
Event & Membership Chair
[from City of Saratoga July Newsletter]
As part of PG&E’s efforts to reduce wildfire risk, PG&E has announced their Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) program. PG&E is expected to shut off power on days with a high risk of wildfire, and they suggest preparing for outages that could last longer than two days. Outages can impact any PG&E customer, regardless of whether they live in a high fire-threat area.
Before a PSPS, PG&E will aim to provide customers with 48 hours advanced notice via phone call, text or email. However, weather conditions can change quickly, and PG&E may be unable to fully execute their noticing protocols. After the extreme weather event has passed, PG&E will conduct inspections and any necessary repairs before power can be restored.
Visit www.saratoga.ca.us/PSPS to learn what you can expect and how to prepare. You can also attend PG&E’s Wildfire Safety Open House on August 7 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the History Club of Los Gatos, 123 Los Gatos Boulevard.
[reprinted from ARRL ARES E-Letter – 17 July 2019]
[This article is from the July 2019 issue of the FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Newsletter.]
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members know that communication during an emergency is vital. Don Lewis of the Alexandria Radio Club in Virginia wants CERTs around the country to know how Amateur Radio can help.
Amateur Radio is a useful tool. Lewis, who is trained in CERT, explained that ham radios are more powerful than regular radios. They aren’t incredibly expensive, and they have a wide range of uses.
Sometimes CERTs may need to work together throughout a large area. They need to be able to report things that they have found. They sometimes even need to request medical support. Using a radio is easier, safer, and more efficient than sending a person back with messages, says Lewis. Ham radios enable a CERT to communicate over much greater distances than standard radios. This can improve the level at which a CERT can coordinate. CERTs already use ham radios in exercises and they have extended their range and effectiveness.
The City of Berkeley, California’s CERT has already begun using ham radio in city-wide disaster drills. In the winter of 2018, they held a 24-hour mock disaster where they practiced their ham radio skills to better prepare their city. They were able to maintain communications in the whole city for the entire 24-hour exercise. This allowed them to relay critical information to citizens and disaster crews. They were also able to use hams to aid the city during a blackout in November of 2017. The CERTs used solar powered batteries in their ham radios. This allowed them to function even when power and phones were down.
Amateur Radio protocols are also built into Pasadena, California’s emergency management system. The area experiences earthquakes several times a year. The quakes can destroy cell towers and phones lines in an instant. Amateur Radio can be a huge asset during a disaster like this, so Pasadena has a network of radio operators trained to provide communications at any time they need. They can contact hospitals or fire stations to better serve their community. Ham operators can even aide families in contacting one another once a disaster has passed.
Are you interested in learning how to operate a ham radio of your own to serve your community? Then the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) may be for you. They are a group of radio operators who volunteer for various disasters and public service events. They can provide guidance for training, equipment, and licensing.