Our “Resources” page now has a section on introductory Federal Emergency Management Agency Courses and videos, along with pointers to material from the Santa Clara County Fire Department.
Meeting called to order at 5:05 pm
Review of last year’s exercise
We identified three main reasons to reboot divisions.
Initially we asked for each division to identify two volunteers – 1 to coordinate people and one to coordinate logistics. Other roles will follow in the future as we get organized (like communications, training, outreach, etc)
Each division group will hold their own division meeting in February (Jeff and/or Brent willing to attend if possible). Regular February meeting will be cancelled.
We need to build out the leadership structure of Saratoga CERT. Beyond the division roles, we need help in:
Training Topics
Blossom Festival planning to be led by Roberta Friedman
Question on whether to rotate meetings times – unanimously decided to stick with 5-7pm
Future meetings
February 22 meeting – TO BE CANCELLED
Each division will have their own organization meeting
Logistics committee will meet
March 22 meeting
Social introduction/review of division meetings
Hands on : Bag check
Vote on logistic recommendations
April 26 meeting
Business meeting
Hands on: Logistics/generator activity
Meeting adjourned at 7pm